Health Coaching
"To say that this has made an impact is a gross understatement. It has been life changing. I not only feel different, physically, from the better choices I am making, but I really look at everything in my life differently- people, experiences and obstacles with different perspective. How will this impact my life, health, happiness? How will one choice make me feel, how will it impact those around me and how do I truly feel about this option...
The change in my physical contact with the world through food consumption, breathing, moving/exercising, loving and fueling not only my body but my soul too has improved my life greatly. It has also positively impacted the people around me.
You are right, this way of life makes others very curious and then interested and finally, adaptive-to certain degree. It is rewarding to witness.
I am only beginning this journey, and I definitely make mistakes and get off track. But the difference is now I know better how to correct the course and head back on the right direction. The knowledge is empowering.
Thank you for taking this journey with me, for holding my hand during the most difficult times in the beginning and for your constant support. I never felt judged or expected to be further along then right where I was. You were especially amazing with my sad yoga effort. Many times i dreaded admitting I had not gone and yet you didn't judge and were very encouraging.
I know this is an evolving journey, which I am excited by and grateful for having the tools and knowledge base to work from. Thank you for this gift. " Jennifer -CT
Clean Eating Challenge
"I just got back test results from my doctor and I am amazed. I have high cholesterol that is genetic and the doctor told me to try diet and exercise before getting on medication. Check out the difference between February and May with a little running, yoga, lots of veggies and clean eating! While still not the best numbers (I have bad genes against me!) I have gone down 20%! I really think getting off the processed foods has made an impact. Thank you for giving me the information I need to be healthier!" -Becca
"The clean eating challenge was very inspiring and really helped me to look at eating in a whole different way. I have been battling with sugar addiction my whole life. This challenge is the first time in my whole life that I was able to stop eating sugar. The information that Cara provided me with was critical in helping me understand the addiction and how important it is to feed your body with whole foods to get rid of the craving. Now that I am finished with the challenge, I have not had any desire for it which is unbelievable to me. I never thought this way of eating was possible and Cara showed me that it is very easy and accessible. I can’t even believe how much better I feel. I have been practicing yoga for many years and one thing that I was not expecting from clean eating is that I have become much more flexible and focused in my practice. It is truly amazing the difference that I feel today compared to a month ago. I am so grateful to Cara for the education and inspiration!" -Kim A, Miami FL
"When I first told my husband I was doing this, he was completely skeptical and approaching the point of obstinate. By the end of the program, he was like "what did Cara send out for today's recipe?!" So your awesome recipes definitely opened us up to some new combinations that we wouldn't have thought about before. Turns out, we've been making tacos all wrong because yours are substantially better. We also exclusively use sprouted breads now, including tortillas." -Andrea S. Clear Lake, TX
"Cara is a great partner to help guide you back on track. I had strayed away from clean eating and was feeling the health repercussions. Feeling fabulous and focused after 21 days to rebuilding healthy habits." - Dona Burke, Houston TX
"I've been eating well for a very long time, but Cara's clean eating class helped me take it to a whole new level. I now have a greatly expanded set of offerings I've been able to abandon my usual protocol of waiting 'til my husband was absolutely starving, and then throwing the same dinner of beans and rice in front of him. Now I've got lots of recipes! New meal time and snack ideas! Desert?!? Who woulda thunk :))) Best of all, I've got a whole slew of newsletters chocked full of info and links to other info to refer to in the future." - Dr. Maryellen Kuhlmann
"I've been eating well for a very long time, but Cara's clean eating class helped me take it to a whole new level. "
"After 2 CEC's, I feel successful in where I am at but know I can still make more improvements. I try to incorporate your levity in dealing with unhealthy food choices and appreciate your not- stressing- out- over- it attitude which eliminates guilt and makes me want to get right back on track."
"Participating in the CEC was a gift to myself, something I have wanted to do for a while. The daily contact from Cara kept me focused and on-track. I feel so much better after these three weeks and can see more clearly how the foods I eat affect me."
"I loved participating in the CEC with Cara! I feel so much better at the end of the Challenge than when I started. It was helpful to share the experience with like-minded people and the Facebook group was a wonderful surprise, with so many people posting and sharing parts of their journeys along the way. This was a gift I gave myself and one that will keep on giving."
"Intellectually I am better informed. I am eating more greens!!"
"Even though we eat clean most of the time, it was very nice to get the chance to do the CEC program for the 2nd time. The daily emails were excellent. They provided positive reinforcement and motivation for the CEC program. We found that our daily clean eating improved and we noticed a positive effect on our physical & mental well being. We plan to participate in the CEC program whenever Cara offers it as it reinforces our commitment to clean eating all the time. "
I participated in the CEC in the Spring and was amazed at how much fun it was to cook and eat "clean". It just simply made sense! Both CECs that I have participated in have reawakened in me the desire to avoid processed foods when the fresh foods taste so much better and make me feel more energetic, too. Thank you, Cara, for introducing this concept and for your inspiration to continue beyond the CEC. What a gift! - Margaret, Houston TX
I feel more empowered and more aware. It is all about awareness for me. Being conscious and aware. Your support and info help me think about it all more mindfully and consciously. It is so easy to be distracted in our society. Your emails are like warm, unconditional hugs. - Susan Scotty, Houston TX
I feel good about my understanding about foods and it opened me up to new adventures in eating..Eileen Kearney Downs - Bryn Mawr Pa.
Green Smoothie Workshop
"Jenny has made a green drink every day since the workshop and that she also LOVES them. You were so concerned about her at the workshop but she has apparently embraced green drinks. We are both stunned because Jenny has never eaten greens in her life, except in a salad. If you only knew the lengths to which I went to get her to eat vegetables when she was growing up. I feel like a wonderful spell has been cast, thanks to you. Keep up the good work."
I feel more empowered and more aware. It is all about awareness for me. Being conscious and aware. Your support and info help me think about it all more mindfully and consciously. It is so easy to be distracted in our society. Your emails are like warm, unconditional hugs.